Xander Rhys Lowry

August 2007 Health Journal
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Wow, we are finaly getting done!!!!!!

Xander says he is sorry to see it end. He loves to be hospitalized at Doernbecher. They spoil him, and he loves it!

Aug. 12th,
Xander is now a dedicated fan of the Keizer Volcanoe baseball team. Through Candlelighters we got tickets. It was to bad only Xander, Charissa and myself were able to attend. What fun!!!! Xander got to run the bases. There was a opening ceromony where all the cancer survivors present went out (listened to a long talk) and touched the first two game balls. They were to symbolize how cancer touches us all. Xander was more impressed with Crater the team mascott. He picked up on how the game works right away, and cheered and stomped with everyone else. At one poing a select group of kids went out and sang take me out to the ball game. Xander went, but didn't know the song. We will have to fix that since he wants to attend all their games. If anyone out there is thinking of taking him to a EMs game be aware he plans to suit up in his new Volcanoe sweat shirt, and carry his claw showing support of the team he is now dedicated to. What a doll!!! I'll post pictures soon of Xander at the game. Charissa and I took several.
Aug. 9th,
Our last chemo at Doernbecher. Wow, what a day. Xander had Interthecal (spinal) chemo. Xander got his first dose of Propenole (pain meds with a touch of silly/sleepy) and told his Dr. don't push so hard that hurts. She was only using finger to find the right spot. They gave him a half of another tube (this is in his iv access), and he said be careful you are tickling me. The procedure went well. Xander will have continuing blood work for the next year at Doernbecher. He will have to be aware of  his risk for relapse for the rest of his life. Even though they call him cured he is really just in remision. He is also at risk of a secondary cancer. In other words if he ever smokes its almost guarenteed he will have lung cancer. His chemotherapy treatment for Lymphoma can give him Leukemia. It a risk you get with the "cure" but think of what would have happened without the "cure"!!!! Next month he will have "post" chemo imaging done on his arm, and blood work. The really have no worries about relapse, but Im uncomfortable since the "blood work" didn't show his cancer to begin with. They said with xander we will be watching for symptoms. Realisticaly it could come back anywere or in the form of a different cancer so that means if xander has a pain that stays for more then a couple of days we need to have him evaluated, forever!