Xander Rhys Lowry

December Health Journal 2005

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December Health Updates

Dec. 31
Xander's apt. went great! He did not get a spinal headache with this procedure. His Aunie came over and spent a couple of days with him this week, and his Aunt Bon visited as well. A busy happy week for the little guy.
Dec. 26
Xander had Chistmas with his Aunie (grandma) and his Grandpa Jack. He says it was his best christmas ever. His health apears to be great, but we get blood counts on Wed. and spinal chemo on Thursday. He is having a full sedation for the chemo so I'm hoping we can avoid that spinal head ache this time around. Today he is a bit "off" in his emotional behavior, Those of us with kids know it could be a sign of impending illness. Lets all hope not!
Dec. 18
Everything is great. Xander is excited about Christmas.
Dec. 14
Xander is fine today. He is growing back some tiny baby hair over that bald spod in the back of his head. I don't have the heart to tell him it will fall out again in Feb. and March.
Dec. 11
Today everything is good. Xander is feeling good. He sat in Santa's lap at the local Candle Lighter holiday party today to receive gifts, and was very impressed.
Dec. 9
Xander is great today. He just got his first official Christmas card in the mail and is estatic.
Dec. 7
Xander is almost back to normal (for a child undergoing chemo treatment) his back hurts a little, but thats about it. His blood counts have risen nicely. ANC = 1100 Hemoglobin = 11 platelets = 210. This means no more blood counts until Dec. 28.
One of Xander's grandma's childhood friends send Xander notes and gifts on occasion. Today a box from Linda arrived. Xander had so much fun running out to the mail man to collect his box, and even more fun opening the many small gifts inside. I've just been ordered to come play dinosaur. Thanks Linda for making his day special!!!
Dec. 6
Xander is doing better today. He has almost no head pain, and his appetite is slowly improving. We are having blood counts done tomorrow and I'll post the results when we know them.
Dec. 5
Xander threw up 3 or 4 times yesterday (it all blends together after awhile). The vomiting was all due to the head and neck  pain caused by his spinal. Today there has been no vomit, and I think less pain. Less is a relative term, but he seems more comfortable, and isn't using pain killers. As long as he can rest on the couch things seem to be ok. Tomorrow he should be greatly improved.
Dec. 3 night
Xander is seems to be doing much better. He still needs to lie down, but his appetite and thirst have returned. He even felt up to a game of Chess and one of Chutes and Ladders from a reclining position.
Dec. 3
No parade today for Xander. His sisters are walking in the parade, but he still has a spinal headache and needs to stay in bed. There isn't any real discomfort as long as he is does not move and stays laying down. By tomorrow he should be much better.

Dec. 2 (B)
The (A) portion of this day was written mid morning. By noon Xander's pain had increased, and he was unable to sit up or stand without whimpering in pain. I made the needed phone calls and was told to head to Sacred Heart Hospital for an evaluation. After hours (really! It was about 4 in total) we were told it was ONLY a spinal headache and would go away in about 1 1/2 to 2 days. This occurs when the chemo is added to the spinal fluid and instead of sealing right back up the spine continues to leak fluid. The pain usually begins 2 - 4 days after the spine is accessed. The fluid that is slowly seeping out is the same fluid your brain floats in. As it seeps down the spine your brain sinks to a point were it is no longer floating, but rests on your skull instead. Xander's body will rebuild the fluid on its own very quikly and the leak has probably already stopped on its own. Xander rascal that he is, was very prompt in asking the Dr. if this meant he could not participate in the Springfield parade. His Dr. said if he was feeling well in the afternoon he could, but needed to be aware that by evening his headache could be back.

Dec. 2 (A)
Xander is having a less then perfect day. His head is causing him pain. Along with the head pain he is fatigued. I've spoke with the Dr. about the head pain and they feel at this point its just a side effect of the chemo. We will continue to watch him closely. Xander has made it clear that a "little" head pain is not going to keep him from the Springfield parade. We will have to see if there is rain or not. I'm walking with him and can take him out of the parade if he exhibits to much exhaustion or other symptoms.
Nov. 30
Today Xander started phase III of his chemotherapy. It was far from our best day. The only treatment he needed today was spinal Chemo. For this procedure they give Xander a medication that has a conscious sedation effect as well as an amnesiac. He becomes well medicated, or as Xander likes to call it "drony" and supposedly does not notice the spinal. He is rolled onto his side while his nurse and I talk to him and distract him. Normally he is so well medicated that he can barely continue counting (my method of distraction). Today though he was wound up and couldn't settle down. He felt the entire procedure and was crying through out. Dr. Lampkin said that since Versed is a amnesiac that Xander would forget the entire procedure regardless of how traumatic it was. Several hours latter he was still complaining and angry. this evening though he has lost all memory of the procedure and doesn't even remember having the needle taken out of his port, something that because of the large piece of tape involved is usually a big event. Xander's father and I discussed it today and for his next apt on Dec. 28 he will be completely sedated. We can decide at that point whether to continue with full or partial sedation. Full sedation leads to a much longer day, and Xander is not allowed to eat that day until after his procedure. He has had quite a few conscious sedation that were very successful in the past few months.

We also learned today that Phase III medications might very well cause similar low blood counts that Xander suffered during Phase II. We will have counts taken next Wed. to see the trend for this phase.
Xander has a Dr. apt Wed. Nov. 30th if his blood counts support chemo treatment. He will be entering phase 3 of his Lymphoblastic Lymphoma treatment plan. This phase is much less tramatic to his blood counts and should give him a much needed break from transfusions, and allow him to return to the home school resource center classes he loves.

Happy Holidays