Xander Rhys Lowry

October Health Journal

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Halloween is Xander's Favorite Holiday
After Christmas of course!!!!

Oct 30th,
Xander is great today. Lots of happy energy. It is his plan to be a cyborg for Halloween so tomorrow is a big day for him. The karate dojo has a party that includes trick or treating at decorated parent vehicle truncks and that is were he will be.
Oct 28th,
Xander is dong much better. He is definitely coming down with something, sniffles, exhaustion, bad attitude..... He doesn't look like a call to Doernbecher is coming soon though. Unless he get a fever he should be ok.
Oct 28th,
Keep your fingers crossed!!! Xander woke up fine today at 8:00 which is normal for him. After a hour of "normal" he said his legs were really tired and tingly. They often get that way after allot of activitiy or hanging down when he is sitting in a chair, but he was curled up on the couch so this is odd. About 15 min. min later he "fell asleep". The odd part is he had just asked for a snack and had just recieved it when he rolled over "asleep" It was still in his hand.  Xander shouldn't be over tired so I don't know what is going on. He has been out for a hour now, and Its almost 11:00. I'll post back when he is up and around. We are under orders to notify Doernbecher of this kind of "oddness" if it continues past wake up. I know for a adverage child this is no big deal, but for Xander it could be allot more.
Oct. 23rd,
Xander spent yesterday afternoon at Thistle Down Farms. Thanks to Thistle Down and the Candle Lighters many young children from families dealing with childhood cancer recieved a horse drawn "hay" ride out to the pumpkin patch and a free pumkin to take home and carve. Xander and both his sisters participated in this. I'l post pictures as soon as I can, but it might be a week or so. Xander had a blast. He must have "chose" 15 pumpkins before landing on just the "right" one. As far as his health goes he seems to be great. We had two nasty nose bleeds today, and his legs continue to get "tired".
Oct. 16th,
Xander had a much stronger reaction to his predinisone this cycle. We had the attitude and apetite from earlier phases of chemo treatment. The steriods are only for 5 days, but the effects last a bit longer. Just this morning Xander started acting like himself. I'm glad the cranky bear is leaving for now. I like the sweet boy much better. Other then that he is doing very well.
Oct. 12,
Xander has had not more pain.
Oct 10th, Well I think things are going good. Xander woke up with "chest" pain this morning. It would be so nice to sit back and think just "growing pains". Not so. It was a quick call to Doernbecher Children's Hospital and a confirmation of  the game plan. We were headed off to Xander's karate class. We told him to do what he felt able to do with the expectation that if the pain was enough he would sit out. If it was mild or temporary the class would distract him and bring him out of whatever "it" was. Then it was a quick call the our local Pediatrician to explain the situation and set up a apt. for 4:00 today if the pain did not go away with the understanding for all that the apt. would be canceled if his pain went away. Finaly we were off to karate. Of course a short time into the class the chest pain went away, and he is back to be a fatigued, but more normal little boy. Everyone is keeping a close eye out for symptoms of more chest pain just in case it comes back and Xander chooses to not mention it avoiding a DR visit. This morning he was holding his arm to his side and curling his body as well. It wont be hard to miss even if he chooses to keep quiet. 
Oct. 8th,
Xander is doing better. He still has a sniffle and cought, but the virus has not materialized into anything worse.

Xander outside US Helicopter on our beach weekend
Xander just before he goes on his helicopter flight click on the photo for a larger view

Oct. 5th,
Xader's blood counts were just were they should be. The contiual nose bleeds were explained well by his "fellow" today. The short story is that while on chemo your mucus based tissue heal slowly, and it can take months for a small sore to heal. Every time you blow your nose (pick your nose when your 7) you can easly reinjure it. No big!!! He is still comming down with a cold, but with his blood counts where they are there "should" be no hospital visit or ER visit.
Oct. 4th,
Xander's starting to come down with "something"! He is now sniffling, starting to cough, and now is developing body aches. For most 7 year olds its just not a bit deal. For Xander it could mean a ER visit or hospital stay. This time he has in his favor that tomorrow is chemo day. No they won't delay chemo for a bug, unless his blood counts drop too low. Usually a virus like this will create a rise in white blood cells to combat the virus. Occasionally it has a opposite reaction and drops his blood counts to a dangerous level. I'll post his blood counts tomorrow or friday, and we will see what happened.