Xander Rhys Lowry

September 2006 Health Journal

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Wow, September already and now year two of treatment!!!!!

Sept. 26th,
Things are better. Xander is back to only one or two nose bleeds, and we are talking minor spoting not gushers. One tissue will do it bleeding. We see the Dr. next Thursday and we will discuss it then. We will probably have Xander evaluated by the neuropsychologist some time this year. We have found out that children that get interthecal methotrexate have a 30% to 40% chance of developing learning disorders. Most often these are minor, but its recomended that we get a base line since these often show up months to years after treatment ends. Not just during treatment.
Sept. 24th,
Well yesterday was eventful. Xander woke me up in the morning with a nast nose bleed. The ones he has had in the past have been tiny. You know the type, ones that if you left alone wouldn't run past your lip. They have been freqent (daily) but not bad. This one left a mess on the bathroom floor to be cleaned right away and a worried mom. We got this one stopped, but in 2 hours he had another on just as bad. I talked to Doernberch not only about this, but Xander and Sibs. were scheduled to go horseback ridding (thank you rideable!!!!) that afternoon. Dr. shin wans't worried as Xander's platelet count had been good at this last visit, and she oked the horseback ridding, but asked we take him in for blood counts last night. As usual we got the ER at 5:45 and left after just getting blood counts and having the DR evaluate his nose 6 hours later. They had several "trama" cases in yesterday. Anyways the answer is Xander is "fine" his platelet count is 400 wich is not only good its above normal in a acceptable way. When we attend our Oct. visit in a couple of weeks we will probably be sent to a ear nose and throat Dr to evaluate these nose bleeds.
Sept. 18th.
All is well. Xander is a bit hyper today. Its
certainly not a fatigue day for him. No signs
of viruses creeping up on him.
Sept. 14th,
Xander is doing great. He is a bit tired from
Karate today, and is still having occasional
nose bleeds. Other then that all is good.
Sept. 10th
Wow, we were invited on a weekend at the beach through candle lighters, and Us Helicopters. Xander and I went over on Friday. Since Rissa had her black belt test on Sat. Morning she and Nichole (her partner) stayed with "dad" until the test was over then joined us on Sat. after noon. All they missed was the helicopter rides. Xander went on two. WOW
then it was off to The Wax Museum, Ripleys Believe it or Not, and the Under Sea Gardens. All food and Hotel time was donated.  The wonderful couple that run US Helicopter worked to make this a incredible weekend for 5 families dealing with child hood cancer. Sunday we were given passes to the Oregon Coast Aquarium. Although Xander was exhasted from all the activities he only really had issues on Friday and Sat. By the end of the day he had to be carried and really could barely walk. Sunday he paid attention when I talked to him about budgeting his energy, and was fine. Besides there were "sharks"!!!!!! The tummy ache he has had off and on for the last week seems to be gone, and boy is he feeling great.
Sept. 4th later
Xander had his Karate test today. It was horid. The poor guy was so week that he could hardly move, There was concern as to wether the Dr would allow him to test this Saturday so soon after spinal chemotherapy. His instructor made arrangements though to allow Xander to test early before chemo. We arn't supposed to know yet, but he passed wonderfuly his tester kept his health in mind while scoring him.
Sept. 4th,
Well September has certainly started off
well. We just finished 3 days at A Candle Lighter
camp. Try Horse Back Ridding, Zip lines, Swimming, Crafts, Songs....... Oh and did I mention new friends. Everyone was wonderful, but Xander wanted me to add a Hi to his new best Buddy Jeremy. I'll have to add a hi to his wonderful parents and brother Josiah as well. Xander met Jeremy as we signed in for Camp and the boys were hardly apart after that moment. I'm not sure I could think of a activity they didn't do together. It was a wonderful time for everyone. I was very worried about Xander most of the weekend since he started showing signs that often lead to a fever and ER visit. In this case it was sheer exhaustion. What a happy