Xander Rhys Lowry

August Health Journal

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Aug. 27th,
Xander has been having cronic blood seeping from his nose over the last day and a half. It isn't impact or allergy induced. If he has more tomorrow Doernbecher will have blood counts done to assess he need for a platelet transfusion. This isn't constant blood. Over the last day and a half he has had 4 or 5 very mild nose bleeds that just wont settle down with pressure and slightly seep for a half hour to a hour. It could just be his platelets are not reacting properly wich is always a risk, or that they are a bit low. I'll post tomorrow if we need to go in. Other wise you can assume he is fine.
Aug 19th,
Xander is doing great!
Aug 16th,
Yesterday all the kids went to the county fair. By the time we were done Xander had a red lump next to his right eye. At bed time it was give Xander trouble so I talked to the Drs. at Doernbecher Hospital. He gave me a list of actions to take and said if it wasn't greatly better by morning to bring him in. Of course by morning the swelling had spread accross his eye, and it would only open half way. We took of for Portland. Typicaly of kid illness by the time we saw the Dr. the swelling was down and a small spot was visible at the corner of his eye. Just a bug bite! This could still be a problem, but with his counts were they are right now the risk is small.
Aug 13th
We took Xander to the Scandinavian festival today. As usual this little guy's priority was the food.  He tried the rock wall, but not longer has the strength he used to have. The boy who used to climb door frames is much to weak for that kind of activity these days. He resorted to being carried part way through the 3 block long festival.
Aug. 10th,
Xander's Dr apt. went great. His blood counts are good. So far he has no new reactions to chemo. We are running into a issue where he  complains about his legs being tired, but that is a Vincristine reaction he has delt with for the last year. We are down to one year and 4 days left in the treatment.
Aug. 1st
Xander is doing great. He only has a small cough when he is running (at 7 he often is running).