Xander Rhys Lowry

June Health Journal 2006

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June 25th,
I think our Texas side of the family shared their weather. 98 degrees is TO HOT! Other then that Xander is in great spirits, and feeling fine. We get blood work done on Wed. this week. After that we rush home to help the candle lighters with a truck was fundraiser for Relay for Life. A busy day for a little guy once you add the required grandparent visit, duck pond trip, and lunch stop.
June 21st,
Xander is still trying to recover from that nasty bug. He is weak and tired. The poor guy has been asleep since 6:15 yesterday, with only a short wake up to eat. Its 6:00 in the morning now and he is still sleeping.
June 18th,
Yesterday was horrible. Xander spent most of the day throwing up. He also had a high fever. His Dr decided to send him to ER after his fever hit a point beyond a normal flu. Xander as usual spent hours in ER getting blood tests and cultures done to rule out any other bacterial problem. Even a flu though is deadly when your a chemo patient. Please read the information below from the Center for disease control.
The Center for Disease Control
Every year in the United States, on average:
5% to 20% of the population gets the flu;

more than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications, and;

about 36,000 people die from flu.

Some people, such as older people, young children, and people with certain health conditions, are at high risk for serious flu complications.

 Its scary to have the flu these days. When we got to ER the Dr. was ready to admit him for the night. With IV fluids and fever meds he was good as gold and ready to face the world again.
Today he is doing wonderful and back to "normal".
June 16th,
Xander has been suffering from a cold this last week. Thank goodness it has not affected his blood counts. Everything looks very good so far. The only problem at this Dr. visit was the loss of our beloved Dr Hsu. He graduates this month and i moving to Sacramento. Its a great move for Dr Hsu, but we will miss him. Xander made him do a more thorough exam then he might normally have done just  to extend the time they had together. It was VERY sweet!!!!
June 5,
So far so good. Xander's health is very good. On the first he had his blood counts done and they were great. So good in fact that his meds got raised, and they may go up again next Thursday when he goes in for chemo. He has spinal chemo as well as chemo in his port next Thursday so we are as always crossing our fingers for no spinal headache. His ANC on the first was 3,200. I don't remember a time during this process that is was so high. Normally this would be good, but do to the level best for killing cancer the Drs. want it at 1,000 to 1,500. We will see how things go next week. Xander took his karate belt test on Saturday and passed wonderfully. His scores reflected what would be A's and B's on a standard school report card. That was one happy boy!!!!!
PS if you live in Lane county keep your eyes out. Xander's older sister Nichole passed her drivers permit test easily!!!!!! Thank goodness for drivers Ed she will be taking that starting June 19th and the county will be a safer place.

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