Xander Rhys Lowry

May Health Journal 2006

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May has been rough so far
but don't forget Xander's birthday may 26th Just a card in the mail would delight him.

May 26th,
Today has gone great. Xande'rs karate class sang happy birthday in Japenese to him and he got to pick the game of the day. Thank goodness hes nerve toxisity from the vincristine did not reoccure this month. Xander's health apears to be very good, and he is having a great time. Tomorrow it off to the beach. Rain does not stop a true Oregonian from enjoying the beach, and its never stopped him. I'll probably have to drag him home with all his treasures. We keep a antique Liqure bottle in the Kitchen window filled with his agate collection. Wish him luck on his hunting tomorrow.
May 25th,
Xander is doing great. He has been more tired and weak this last few days, but enthusiastic.
I'll post again after his birthday weekend is over. He is off to see his Aunie (grandma Margret) on Sat. He also is getting to open his family presents today since his sisters are leaving for the coast with their aunt Bon tomorrow afternoon. So today its cake and ice cream for the little guy.
May 21st
Thank you Mary Lou Bradley and the Candle Lighter organization for the wonderful trip to the Enchanted Forest. I know my family and I'm sure the others who attended loved the break.


May 21,
The Enchanted Forest was wonderful. The girls had a blast, and Xander just didn't want to stop. He did say he will never do a haunted house again as long as he lives. The log ride seems to have continued at the clasic favorite.
May 19th,
Xander's ANC went up enough to begin oral chemo at home. He also had his dose of Vincristine at Dornbecher. So far everything looks good, but because his counts droped he needs to come back on June first for blood counts to make sure they have maintained a safe level.
May 13th,
Xander had blood work done at Doernbecher on Thursday. His ANC is all the way up to 900. He may not begin oral chemo at home until he is over 1,000, but the danger of going in public is diminished. We still need to stay well away from anywere he might get a cold or any other bug. He is full of good spirits and spunk right now though. Next weekent we are off to The Enchanted Forest for a Candle Lighter day of fun. Xander's response to finding out about the day was YIPPPEEEEE!!!!!! I think he is feeling better. He gets chemo in his port next Thursday and its Vincristine (the chemo that sometimes causes severe mobility issues) The effect does not kick in for a week so we should be good for The Enchanted Forest, but his Birthday weekend could be slow. We plan on spending part of it with his Grandparents at the beach so lets cross our fingers for no issues this phase.
May 5th
Xander spent April 28 - 30 in the hospital complaining about his need to come home. One hour before leaving he received their special baked chicken for lunch. Now all I hear is take my temperature mom, I might have a fever and get to go to the hospital. No, its a odd preparation that I can't readily make at home.
On Thursday we had blood counts redone. His ANC was up to 500. When he left the hospital it was at just under 400. At 500 he will still transport to Doernbecher if he gets a fever. He also can't begin oral chemo at home until his ANC is over 1,000.  He will have blood counts done again on Thursday to see if he is able to resume chemo. As far as his classes go its iffy. One Dr says no the other says why not, just stay away from sick kids. If he were in school it would be a definate no. As it is his classes are karate, roller skating, and swimming so there isn't quite as much chance for germ transfer. Far Xander has missed more swim classes then he attended so I hope he can make this one. Of our last 7 ER visits they have been on a Friday night. Xander's temp when checked just a hour ago was at 99.6. We head to ER at 100.4 so cross your fingers that we miss this Friday. His older brother has his first date on Sunday with a girl I and Xander truly like. I hope we are home to see him off.